So yeah, (wonders if anyone actually reads these posts) I have been very busy with classes so audio work has not been done. All my old music that I had started has gone (SAD FACE) but I have started some new stuff which has promise. However, I need a better program, that works on Apple, that is like Fruity Loops but is free. Cause I is poorly (another sad face). So I am looking for that kind of program, help is always appreciated. Hope to get more audio out there soon.
(Kami the Avatar)
Get the Fruity Loops demo, you may not be able to save your work as FL files, but you can still export your songs as mp3s. The demo includes everything the $350 full version has. I bought the express edition, but actually started using the demo instead because it actually offers so much more (excluding collab). Hope this helps some.
Hey! Thanks a bunch for the info! I'll check it out.
(Kami the Avatar)